There’s something about the ocean that just fascinates us as human beings. Multiple times, people have shared with me that whenever they were struggling with something in life, they would spend some quiet time at the beach. Hearing the crash of the waves on the shore and smelling the salt in the air somehow has a healing effect and even though it doesn’t make your troubles go away, it can at least give you a chance to get your mind off them for just a bit.
Sometimes when we’re faced with a problem, it’s easy to think that of it as a big, unsurmountable obstacle that consumes our entire existence. However, we take a look at the ocean and we are reminded that there is something out there that is so much bigger than we could ever fathom. You would think that this could make you feel small and insignificant, but somebody once told me that it’s a reminder that we are all part of a great big ecosystem on this planet. We all have our own significant role as a part of that system and anytime we might feel alone or lost, we can take comfort in the fact that there is an infinite number of things taking place in this world, in this universe even, to allow us to be where we are at this exact moment in time.
It always seems so mind-boggling to me to think that the mirror-like surface of the water might look calm and glassy and yet, there could be a whole unseen bustle of activity going on underneath. One of my most favorite movies of all time is a documentary titled Chasing Coral. The movie discusses the negative effects that global warming has had on coral reefs and there is one scene where experts talk about the busy ecosystems that exist underwater. Apparently, there is a whole lot of noise and chaos going on in there very similar to that of our busy cities above water. There is even a traffic time where you see lots of fish rushing to get to certain destinations just like the way that humans rush to and from work everyday. After hearing that, I always have to giggle when I see people going through their daily commute because I imagine them as fish in work clothing, either bustling to work in the morning, or going home at the end of the day. If you haven’t already seen Chasing Coral, I highly suggest it because I do believe that it’s important for every single person to understand the effects of what we are doing to our environment. The movie is available on Netflix and it was made in such a beautiful way that was really enjoyable to watch as well as informative at the same time.
It’s no secret that the ocean is a huge inspiration for most of my jewelry designs. I grew up in Hawaii and of course, as a chain of islands in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, we are known for our beautiful beaches. As a child, I used to feel envious of others who have had the opportunity to experience snow and I would scoff when people would tell me that at least I get to build a sandman at the beach since it’s still usually about 80 degrees in December here. It took going away for several years for me to realize just how lucky I really am to be able to live here. Never again will I take it for granted that I can hop into my car and drive to any beach here while many people have to travel thousands of miles to experience the incredible feeling of both healing calmness and exciting energy of the ocean all at the same time.
I wish that every person could have the opportunity to experience our beautiful beaches. Even though I know that it is no substitute, I created my Sand and Water jewelry pieces with the hope that no matter where you are, you’ll be able to look at them and feel like you are at least getting a taste of our ocean. If you have been here to Hawaii before, I hope that these jewelry pieces help you to remember all of the wonderful memories that you made here. Whether you actually have any of these pieces or are looking at them here, I would like to say thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to share a piece of the ocean with you.