Recently, somebody recommended to me a resource for bloggers where you input a topic into a website and it will give you ideas for articles to write for your blog. I tried it out and input “beach jewelry” as my topic and much to my entertainment, the article idea that it gave me was “Top reasons why you shouldn’t eat beach jewelry in bed.” My initial thought was to just close the website and move on, but I realized that this could actually be an interesting idea to explore. What are some reasons why we shouldn’t eat beach jewelry in bed? I ended up asking my Instagram followers what they thought and here are the top ideas that they came up with…

1. Because you will end up having a crabby day
Starting your day off with a nice meal can set the tone to a great day, and as most of us can assume, beach jewelry doesn’t make a nice meal at all. In fact, you might end up hurting your mouth and damaging your digestive system when trying to eat it, so beach jewelry is not a recommended meal to eat in bed.
2. Sand might get stuck in your teeth
Nobody wants to have the embarrassing experience of getting food stuck in their teeth and I’m sure that sand could probably be even more difficult to try to remove with a toothpick. Try to avoid eating sand unless you are planning on giving yourself a good brushing and flossing afterwards.
3. Who EATS jewelry?!??
To be honest, I’m not sure either. But then again, it seems like Tik Tok has people eating strange things like Tide Pods, so maybe there are some people out there who do like to eat jewelry.
4. You’ll get shell crumbs everywhere, which would be uncomfortable to sleep on
I definitely agree with this one! I was raised to understand that food doesn’t belong in our bed, so the concept of breakfast in bed was only something that we saw on T.V. Now that I’m an adult and I have the freedom to try eating in bed, I don’t think beach jewelry will be my meal of choice.
5. Eww, sand in you bed! Worse than cracker crumbs
Like I shared earlier, I’ve never eaten in my bed, but I have eaten crackers in my car and I can confirm that it was actually really annoying to try to clean up the crumbs afterwards. And as annoying as it was to clean up cracker crumbs from my car, it’s even more frustrating to try to clean up sand, so I can imagine that the same would hold true for your bed.
6. Because it’s a precious metal, not nutritious vitamins?!
So I looked this one up, but couldn’t find any information of the nutritional value of beach jewelry. I’m going to assume though, that this statement is correct.
So what do you think?
Do you agree or disagree with any of these responses? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below! Also, if you are on Instagram, you can follow me here because I would also love to hear your thoughts on any future topics just like this one!